La decorazione a stucco fra Otto
e Novecento, fra artigianato e industria.
sta in: Lo Stucco. Cultura, tecnologia,
conoscenza." Atti del Convegno di Studi, Bressanone 10-13 Luglio 2001
pp. 49 - 58
The art and technique of stucco decoration
- with its millenary tradition - was not spared by the cultural and technical
transformations that characterised the period astride of the nineteenth
and twentieth centuries. During those years, in fact, and in particular
during the early decades of the twentieth century, also the stucco decoration
sector experienced the industrialisation process, which, for different
aspects, even if not completely, affected and influenced the whole building
sector. The traditional, artisan production of stucco architectural decorations
partly left way to an industrial type of production, in which technological
- process and product - organisational - productive and non productive
innovations marked a renewed season in stucco work. Handbooks published
between the nineteenth and twentieth century take up traditional ìrecipesî
and contain the ìrules of good workmanshipî for making stucco decorations,
but some technical literature started to systematically introduce specifications
and instructions concerning ìmodernî treatments to improve the quality
and durability of the works. But the true innovation - which perhaps saved
the sector, at a time that was certainly difficult for decoration and ornamental
work in general, and also partly marked the wane of tradition and the decline
of handcrafting - consisted in the distribution of specific catalogues
proposing ìmodern and styled stucco decorationsî produced semi-industrially
and industrially.
KEY-WORD: Stucco Decoration - artisan
production - industrial production - catalogues.