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Italian term meaning separation. Although this is a method practically in disuse, it was widely employed in previous years to recuperate badly damaged frescoes. The operation foresees that a canvas is adhered to the surface of the fresco by applying a layer of glue onto the painting and the canvas. Then, one begins to crack the intonaco from beneath the painting and thus gradually begin to separate it from the wall using flat tools from the back. Differing from strappo, stacco foresees that the intonaco which supports the work of art is removed. The successive steps foresee that the surface is rectified and that the painting is attached onto a new support, proceeding then with the removal of the canvas and the adhesive.
note: Basile Giuseppe (a cura di), Piitura a fresco. Tecniche esecutive, cause di degrado, restauro, catalogo della mostra (Arezzo 1989), Firenze, Felice Le Monnier 1989.