ProgettiProgettigiovedì 31 gennaio 2013
The objective of the ARTOOLS project is to preserve the memory of ancient jobs and traditional techniques in the arts and restoration domains that are about to disappear. The pursuit of this objective will strengthen the relationship between professional

Artools è un progetto elaborato nell'ambito Lifelong Learning - Leonardo da Vinci - Multilateral Projects.

Partners di Artools sono Palazzo Spinelli Associazione no Profit (Italia), Centro Albayzin (Spagna), Ecole d'Avignone (Francia), Pera Guzel Sanat (Turchia), CSP Italia), Università di Dubrovnik (Croazia).

The ARTOOLS project aims to create an online platform (organized as a Glossary) that will help collect (by means of videos, definitions and images) all these traditional techniques, in particular those that are going to disappear in the arts, crafts and restoration sectors. This collection will be developed in the partners’ languages (EN, FR, IT, E, TR, HR), but in the future the database could also be extended to other EU languages. Thus, it will be possible to share on-line a common cultural heritage made of experiences and traditional techniques that need to be strengthened.


Students all over Europe will be able to benefit from it and learn additional information from experts willing to share their knowledge. In their turn, craftsmen will have the chance to benefit from younger workers who have been learning the specific artistic traditions and techniques that are in use in foreign areas. The direct contribution of craftsmen (working world), willing to share their experiences for the creation of the online Glossary, and the direct collaboration of vocational training institutions will help make this tool:

- a great support to long-lasting learning and to online diffusion of information and experiences;

- an added value to the quality improvement of workers’ training in the arts and restoration sectors;

- a key element to improve the attractiveness of vocational training in the arts and restoration sectors;

- an instrument to boost workers’ mobility all over Europe.